Package | com.adobe.flascc |
Class | public class CModule |
Inheritance | CModule ![]() |
Property | Defined By | ||
activeConsole : Object [static]
A reference to the current Console object, it is set when one of the start methods is called
| CModule | ||
canUseWorkers : Boolean [static] [read-only]
Returns true if the current environment supports
use of ActionScript Workers with flascc content
| CModule | ||
kernel : IKernel [static]
Return the current kernel implementation
| CModule | ||
ram : ByteArray [static] [read-only]
Returns the ByteArray object using as RAM
| CModule | ||
rootSprite : Sprite [static]
A reference to the current rootSprite so that flascc code has an easy way of getting to the stage regardless of what preloaders might be employed. | CModule | ||
throwWhenOutOfMemory : Boolean [static]
Returns a boolean indicating whether Flash out of memory conditions when growing the domainMemory ByteArray will throw an ActionScript exception. | CModule | ||
vfs : IVFS [static]
The current VFS implementation
| CModule |
Method | Defined By | ||
allocaLatin1String(s:String):int [static]
Allocas a Latin1 String
| CModule | ||
allocaString(s:String):int [static]
| CModule | ||
callI(functionPtr:int, args:Vector.<int> = null, stack:int = 0, preserveStack:Boolean = false):int [static]
Low level API for calling a C/C++ function from Actionscript, returning a 32-bit value
| CModule | ||
callN(functionPtr:int, args:Vector.<int> = null, stack:int = 0, preserveStack:Boolean = false):Number [static]
Low level API for calling a C/C++ function from Actionscript returning a 64-bit floating point value
| CModule | ||
Resets the object properties and frees memory. | CModule | ||
free(ptr:int):void [static]
Free a pointer that was previously allocated using CModule.malloc(). | CModule | ||
getPublicSymbol(name:String):int [static]
Lookup the specified publicly defined C/C++ symbol
| CModule | ||
malloc(size:int):int [static]
Allocate size bytes of data within the domainMemory ByteArray. | CModule | ||
mallocLatin1String(s:String):int [static]
Mallocs a Latin1 String
| CModule | ||
mallocString(s:String):int [static]
Allocate a buffer in domainMemory and write an actionscript string as UTF8 data into that buffer. | CModule | ||
read16(ptr:int):int [static]
Read a 16 bit value from domainMemory with zero padding to extend it to a 32 bit signed integer. | CModule | ||
read32(ptr:int):int [static]
Read a 32 bit value from domainMemory. | CModule | ||
read8(ptr:int):int [static]
Read an 8 bit value from domainMemory with zero padding to extend it to a 32 bit signed integer. | CModule | ||
readBytes(ptr:int, length:uint, dst:IDataOutput):void [static]
Copy data from domainMemory into an object implementing the IDataOutput interface (ByteArray, FileStream, Socket etc)
| CModule | ||
readDouble(ptr:int):Number [static]
Read a 64 bit floating point value from domainMemory
| CModule | ||
readFloat(ptr:int):Number [static]
Read a 32 bit floating point value from domainMemory
| CModule | ||
readIntVector(ptr:int, count:int):Vector.<int> [static]
Read count integers from the offset ptr in domainMemory into a Vector of ints. | CModule | ||
readString(ptr:int, length:int):String [static]
Read UTF8 data from domainMemory and construct an Actionscript String
| CModule | ||
regFun(ptr:int, f:Function):void [static]
Registers a function by pointer
| CModule | ||
runningAsWorker():Boolean [static]
Console should use this function to check if the SWF
has been launched as an isolate so it can act appropriately
| CModule | ||
serviceUIRequests(event:Object = null):void [static]
This method services any pending uiThunk requests that background threads
have queued up. | CModule | ||
start(console:Object, args:Vector.<String> = null, env:Vector.<String> = null, preserveStack:Boolean = true):int [static]
Calls the libc __start1 function which, in turn, causes main() to execute. | CModule | ||
startAsync(console:Object = null, args:Vector.<String> = null, env:Vector.<String> = null, preserveStack:Boolean = true, isAutoSetRealThreadId:Boolean = true):void [static]
Calls the libc __start1 function which, in turn, causes main() to execute. | CModule | ||
startBackground(console:Object = null, args:Vector.<String> = null, env:Vector.<String> = null, afterStackSize:int = 65536):void [static]
Creates a background Worker and runs the libc function __start1 within that Worker. | CModule | ||
write16(ptr:int, value:int):void [static]
Write the low 16 bits of value into domainMemory. | CModule | ||
write32(ptr:int, value:int):void [static]
Write a 32 bit value into domainMemory
| CModule | ||
write8(ptr:int, value:int):void [static]
Write the low 8 bits of value into domainMemory. | CModule | ||
writeBytes(ptr:int, length:uint, source:IDataInput):void [static]
Copy the contents of an object that implements the IDataInput interface (ByteArray, FileStream, Socket etc) into domainMemory. | CModule | ||
writeDouble(ptr:int, value:Number):void [static]
Write a Number as a 64 bit float into domainMemory
| CModule | ||
writeFloat(ptr:int, value:Number):void [static]
Write a Number as a 32 bit float into domainMemory
| CModule | ||
writeIntVector(ptr:int, vec:Vector.<int>):void [static]
Write a Vector of ints into domainMemory starting at offset ptr. | CModule | ||
writeString(ptr:int, s:String):int [static]
Write an actionscript string as UTF8 data into domainMemory
| CModule |
activeConsole | property |
public static var activeConsole:Object
A reference to the current Console object, it is set when one of the start methods is called
canUseWorkers | property |
[read-only] Returns true if the current environment supports use of ActionScript Workers with flascc content
public static function get canUseWorkers():Boolean
kernel | property |
Return the current kernel implementation
public static function get kernel():IKernel
public static function set kernel(value:IKernel):void
ram | property |
[read-only] Returns the ByteArray object using as RAM
public static function get ram():ByteArray
rootSprite | property |
public static var rootSprite:Sprite
A reference to the current rootSprite so that flascc code has an easy way of getting to the stage regardless of what preloaders might be employed.
throwWhenOutOfMemory | property |
Returns a boolean indicating whether Flash out of memory conditions when growing the domainMemory ByteArray will throw an ActionScript exception. The default is false, malloc will return an appropriate failure and new/new[] will throw a std::badalloc C++ exception.
public static function get throwWhenOutOfMemory():Boolean
public static function set throwWhenOutOfMemory(value:Boolean):void
vfs | property |
The current VFS implementation
public static function get vfs():IVFS
public static function set vfs(value:IVFS):void
allocaLatin1String | () | method |
public static function allocaLatin1String(s:String):int
Allocas a Latin1 String
s:String |
int |
allocaString | () | method |
public static function allocaString(s:String):int
s:String |
int |
callI | () | method |
public static function callI(functionPtr:int, args:Vector.<int> = null, stack:int = 0, preserveStack:Boolean = false):int
Low level API for calling a C/C++ function from Actionscript, returning a 32-bit value
functionPtr:int — The address of the function. You can find the address of a C/C++
function by passing the name of the function to getPublicSym .
| |
args:Vector.<int> (default = null ) — An optional vector containing 32-bit values to pass on the stack to
the function. These could either be primitive integer data, or pointers.
To pass more complex data types (including AS3 types) you should use the
function annotation syntax explained in the interop tutorial to give the
function a more natural AS3 function signature.
| |
stack:int (default = 0 ) — An optional pointer to the base of the stack. A value of 0 means use the
current ESP.
| |
preserveStack:Boolean (default = false ) — Indicates whether the stack pointer should unwind back to the value it was
before the function was called.
int — The integer return value of the function. As above, to return complex (possibly AS3)
types you should annotate the function as explained in the interop tutorial
to give the function a more natural signature and return type.
callN | () | method |
public static function callN(functionPtr:int, args:Vector.<int> = null, stack:int = 0, preserveStack:Boolean = false):Number
Low level API for calling a C/C++ function from Actionscript returning a 64-bit floating point value
functionPtr:int — The address of the function. You can find the address of a C/C++
function by passing the name of the function to getPublicSym .
| |
args:Vector.<int> (default = null ) — A Vector containing 32-bit values to pass on the stack to
the function. These could ewither be primitive integer data, or pointers.
To pass more complex data types (including AS3 types) you should use the
function annotation syntax explained in the interop tutorial to give the
function a mopre natural AS3 function signature.
| |
stack:int (default = 0 ) — An optional pointer to the base of the stack. A value of 0 means use the
current ESP.
| |
preserveStack:Boolean (default = false ) — Indicates whether the stack pointer should unwind back to the value it was
before the function was called.
Number — The 64-bit floating point return value of the function. As above, to return complex (possibly AS3)
types you should annotate the function as explained in the interop tutorial
to give the function a more natural signature and return type.
dispose | () | method |
public function dispose():void
Resets the object properties and frees memory.
free | () | method |
public static function free(ptr:int):void
Free a pointer that was previously allocated using CModule.malloc()
Internally this calls the libc implementation of free()
so it can be used to free pointers allocated in C with malloc()
ptr:int |
getPublicSymbol | () | method |
public static function getPublicSymbol(name:String):int
Lookup the specified publicly defined C/C++ symbol
name:String — The name of the symbol to lookup, for example, "malloc"
int — The address of the symbol. If the symbol was a POD type you can read it's
value using one of the read functions. If the symbol was a function then you can call it using callI.
malloc | () | method |
public static function malloc(size:int):int
Allocate size bytes of data within the domainMemory ByteArray. The memory must be freed using
size:int |
int — A pointer to a region of memory within domainMemory size bytes long.
Internally this calls the libc implementation of malloc() so the returned value should be treated as though it had been allocated in C with malloc() .
mallocLatin1String | () | method |
public static function mallocLatin1String(s:String):int
Mallocs a Latin1 String
s:String |
int |
mallocString | () | method |
public static function mallocString(s:String):int
Allocate a buffer in domainMemory and write an actionscript string as UTF8 data into that buffer.
s:String — The string you want to copy into domainMemory
int — The pointer to the buffer in domainMemory that contains the string. This must be manually
freed by passing this pointer to "free()"
read16 | () | method |
public static function read16(ptr:int):int
Read a 16 bit value from domainMemory with zero padding to extend it to a 32 bit signed integer. This will always result in positive integers.
ptr:int — The address of the location in domainMemory to read from
int — A 16 bit integer zero padded to 32 bit.
read32 | () | method |
public static function read32(ptr:int):int
Read a 32 bit value from domainMemory.
ptr:int — The address of the location in domainMemory to read from
int — A 32 bit integer.
read8 | () | method |
public static function read8(ptr:int):int
Read an 8 bit value from domainMemory with zero padding to extend it to a 32 bit signed integer. This will always result in positive integers.
ptr:int — The address of the location in domainMemory to read from
int — An 8 bit integer zero padded to 32 bit.
readBytes | () | method |
public static function readBytes(ptr:int, length:uint, dst:IDataOutput):void
Copy data from domainMemory into an object implementing the IDataOutput interface (ByteArray, FileStream, Socket etc)
ptr:int — The address of the location in domainMemory to start reading from.
| |
length:uint — The number of bytes to copy from the domainMemory (starting from ptr)
| |
dst:IDataOutput — The IDataOutput to copy data into (the current position in this IDataOutput will be respected and will increase by length)
readDouble | () | method |
public static function readDouble(ptr:int):Number
Read a 64 bit floating point value from domainMemory
ptr:int — The address of the location in domainMemory to read from
Number — A signed 64 bit floating point value
readFloat | () | method |
public static function readFloat(ptr:int):Number
Read a 32 bit floating point value from domainMemory
ptr:int — The address of the location in domainMemory to read from
Number — A signed 32 bit floating point value
readIntVector | () | method |
public static function readIntVector(ptr:int, count:int):Vector.<int>
Read count integers from the offset ptr in domainMemory into a Vector of ints.
ptr:int — The offset in domainMemory to read from
| |
count:int — The number of 32 bit integers to read
Vector.<int> — A Vector of ints read from domainMemory
readString | () | method |
public static function readString(ptr:int, length:int):String
Read UTF8 data from domainMemory and construct an Actionscript String
ptr:int — The location in domainMemory to start reading from
| |
length:int — The number of bytes to read
String — A String constructed from the UTF8 data found between ptr and ptr+length
regFun | () | method |
public static function regFun(ptr:int, f:Function):void
Registers a function by pointer
ptr:int | |
f:Function |
runningAsWorker | () | method |
public static function runningAsWorker():Boolean
Console should use this function to check if the SWF has been launched as an isolate so it can act appropriately
ReturnsBoolean |
serviceUIRequests | () | method |
public static function serviceUIRequests(event:Object = null):void
This method services any pending uiThunk requests that background threads
have queued up. A good place to call this would be in the enterFrame
Update: you can attach your dispatchers directly into this handler since the optional event arg.
event:Object (default = null )
start | () | method |
public static function start(console:Object, args:Vector.<String> = null, env:Vector.<String> = null, preserveStack:Boolean = true):int
Calls the libc __start1
function which, in turn, causes main()
to execute.
console:Object — The current Console object
| |
args:Vector.<String> (default = null ) — A vector of Strings that are used to fill the argv array given to main. The first String is typically used to specify the name of the application.
| |
env:Vector.<String> (default = null ) — A vector of Strings that are used to populate the environment variables accesible by getenv() . There should be an even number of Strings in this Vector as they are treated as name/value pairs.
| |
preserveStack:Boolean (default = true ) — Indicates whether the C stack should be preserved after the call to __start1 . If this is set to false the stack depth will return to the value when start() was called upon return.
int — The exit code of the C application
startAsync | () | method |
public static function startAsync(console:Object = null, args:Vector.<String> = null, env:Vector.<String> = null, preserveStack:Boolean = true, isAutoSetRealThreadId:Boolean = true):void
Calls the libc __start1
function which, in turn, causes main()
to execute. Unlike start()
, this method handles the case where the main C run loop has been broken by a call to "AS3_GoAsync" within the C code. This allows main to return without allowing C/C++ static initializers to run. This should be used when you want to run long running code with a broken run-loop, or run some code as a library.
console:Object (default = null ) — The current Console object
| |
args:Vector.<String> (default = null ) — A vector of Strings that are used to fill the argv array given to main. The first String is typically used to specify the name of the application.
| |
env:Vector.<String> (default = null ) — A vector of Strings that are used to populate the environment variables accesible by getenv() . There should be an even number of Strings in this Vector as they are treated as name/value pairs.
| |
preserveStack:Boolean (default = true ) — Inidcates whether the C stack should be preserved after the call to __start1 . If this is set to false the stack depth will return to the value when start() was called upon return.
| |
isAutoSetRealThreadId:Boolean (default = true ) — Inidcates whether the module should auto-set its real thread id. Use false when using multi-threaded SWCs.
startBackground | () | method |
public static function startBackground(console:Object = null, args:Vector.<String> = null, env:Vector.<String> = null, afterStackSize:int = 65536):void
Creates a background Worker and runs the libc function __start1
within that Worker. This allows you to run main without breaking the run loop, but requires the SWF to be version 18 or higher (Flash Runtime 11.5).
console:Object (default = null ) — The current Console object
| |
args:Vector.<String> (default = null ) — A vector of Strings that are used to fill the argv array given to main. The first String is typically used to specify the name of the application.
| |
env:Vector.<String> (default = null ) — A vector of Strings that are used to populate the environment variables accesible by getenv() . There should be an even number of Strings in this Vector as they are treated as name/value pairs.
| |
afterStackSize:int (default = 65536 ) — The amount of stack space to allocate for the ui thread (code that will run the uiThunk callbacks and also any calls to callI coming from the main Worker).
write16 | () | method |
public static function write16(ptr:int, value:int):void
Write the low 16 bits of value into domainMemory.
ptr:int — The address of the location in domainMemory to write to
| |
value:int — The value to write (only the low 16 bits are written)
write32 | () | method |
public static function write32(ptr:int, value:int):void
Write a 32 bit value into domainMemory
ptr:int — The address of the location in domainMemory to write to
| |
value:int — The value to write
write8 | () | method |
public static function write8(ptr:int, value:int):void
Write the low 8 bits of value into domainMemory.
ptr:int — The address of the location in domainMemory to write to
| |
value:int — The value to write (only the low 8 bits are written)
writeBytes | () | method |
public static function writeBytes(ptr:int, length:uint, source:IDataInput):void
Copy the contents of an object that implements the IDataInput interface (ByteArray, FileStream, Socket etc) into domainMemory.
ptr:int — The address of the location in domainMemory to start writting to
| |
length:uint — The number of bytes to copy from the source bytearray (starting from source.position)
| |
source:IDataInput — The IDataInput to copy data from (the current position in this IDataInput will be used, and will increase by length)
writeDouble | () | method |
public static function writeDouble(ptr:int, value:Number):void
Write a Number as a 64 bit float into domainMemory
ptr:int — The address of the location in domainMemory to write to
| |
value:Number — The value to write at the address
writeFloat | () | method |
public static function writeFloat(ptr:int, value:Number):void
Write a Number as a 32 bit float into domainMemory
ptr:int — The address of the location in domainMemory to write to
| |
value:Number — The value to write at the address (will be rounded to the nearest 32bit floating point value)
writeIntVector | () | method |
public static function writeIntVector(ptr:int, vec:Vector.<int>):void
Write a Vector of ints into domainMemory starting at offset ptr.
ptr:int — The offset in domainMemory to start writing to
| |
vec:Vector.<int> — The Vector of ints to write into domainMemory
writeString | () | method |
public static function writeString(ptr:int, s:String):int
Write an actionscript string as UTF8 data into domainMemory
ptr:int — The location in domainMemory where the string will be written. You must ensure that this
points to a buffer in the flascc world that has enough space to hold the string
data or this method will overwrite other data within your program. Consider using
mallocString instead as it will allocate the correct amount of space.
| |
s:String |
int — The number of bytes written